Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Only Real Education

I spend my day reading and thinking about the meaning of education, about how best are people taught and liberated, can anyone ever teach anyone, is education liberating at all or is it a mere socialisation.

I read theorists who argue that teachers, academics and philosophers present knowledge as obscure and unreachable perpetuating the divide between the knower and the ignorant. I read other thinkers who want to free man, free him from the disciplinary practices that define truths for them and want man to finds other ways out of the truths that enframe him.

This restless energy sends us forth on journeys of emancipation. They are especially restless because now we are told that there is not truth to be found anyway. F celebrates the modern present in which man can invent himself again and again. With Man and not God as the center of this modern time, there are not moral bases to live life. Perhaps there never were. We then must strive to be free, but to what end!

A recent incident threw a very different light on this. In the death of a distant relative, one saw a related kind of pain and journey. At the death of a 92 year old man, his wife, who has been married to him since perhaps her teen years, is completely lost. They were both teachers in the village school, respected, disciplined and decently settled couple who lived all their life in their ancestral village home in Haryana. Their children are elsewhere and visit at intervals. The couple were traditional but close and very much in love and affectionate.

They were a couple typicial to the self-made, disciplined variety of those early 1900s in India. Their children are not like them - they are dissipated, taken to a more consumerist lifestyle. The village around them has changed over the years, overrun by nearby Delhi culture. The two teachers taught all their life. Our lady, was given to lay philosophising and also gave spontaneous talks on the Gita to women of the community. She always spoke a lot and was quite 'forward' for her times. Believing that children should do, marry as they please and study well and develop good minds and thoughts. She still thinks that way. Compelled to speak, perhaps more so now, to fill her immense pain and silence, she talks on. But now the positive and strong words, are mixed with slippages into helpless meaninglessness. The house that was kept in complete order earlier by her husband, as she sat with a recently semi-paralysed body, is now taken over by her children and grandchildren. 'Sacred' places that were not mishandled by others are now helter skelter. She faces a life that is lonlier and will most probably not be on her terms. As the village moves along, although remembering the well-regarded couple, their teachings may have borne little fruit. Perhaps some seeds lie somewhere, slowly waiting their time. But for her, for now, the teaching is turned back on herself.

"I used to give so many discourses and talks. Look now, i must give these teachings to myself now"! she exclaims. The soul in torture speaks of its own pain and its path in such clarity. But the pain remains yet.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


The world of words and ideas, or confessions and sharings, of advices and travel experiences is so proliferated. You can loose yourself in the becoming of others!

New Mythologies

I wonder what the latest spew of videos on the loving and non-violent behavior of animals towards humans and towards animals of other species mean?

Since some time on Whatsapp, facebook, youtube, there are videos of dogs and cats being friends, dogs teaching puppies to climb stairs, a pigeon passing titbits to a dog, a bear saving a crow and a dolphin rescuing a dog from a shark! Oddly, the camera is always already present in these wonderfully serendipitous discoveries.
Are they simply cleverly crafted videos? If so, why are we crafting these videos in this age? As humans display increasing violence in their own lives and natural tragedies, sometimes driven by human activity, pile up in daily news, is this our final refuge? To see animals doing unexpected acts of kindness, even against their own nature? Or are we actually forming new mythologies to recover modes of non-violence that can overcome difference - if a bear can rescue a crow, overcoming his 'nature' surely two religious communities can overcome their 'culture' and find common ground... Of course it is not as literal, but is there actually an exploration of a more fundamental common ground for togetherness in these 'real' myths? Are we remaking quietly, and in the most mundane way of sms and whatsapp forwards, a new sensibility?

If these videos are really real... then were they always real? and that with new technology we simply have learned and found means to capture them? in that case, how do we successfully find them and record them? In the video age, we seem to have an odd expectation and future driven life is it not? Where one is already thinking two steps ahead- I have the camera ready before my child does his first walk, or before my dog runs to nuzzle my cat! In its charismatically enigmatic way is life simply giving us the vision we have projected? In a more direct way, if these videos are real, then it means that the world was always a 'better' place than what our 'survival of the fittest' pop sociology indicated and that even humans could think of other models to design political and social life. Or can we actually even hazard the view that with humans going nuts, animals have decided to undergo a shift in consciousness?

All these are perhaps crazy ruminations, but the surreal-ness of these multiple videos leaves one willing to imagine the remotest possible. Perhaps my reading the news about the NASA's new successes with non-fuel satellite propellers is also pushing such wild theories!