Sunday, April 20, 2008

Life in conversation....

- "had Bkfst"? (coz if not S and me will have maggi)
- do you want the all out liquid?
- hee hee was super mild! (when a micro mini earthquake spiced up a
listless day in hostel life)
- don't know about gerda lerner (who wrote on the creation of patriarchy)...darn should have attended classes..! (R in one of the several messages we exchanged about wot readings to do and which to leave out)
- my rack will be up for sale soon..lemme know if anyone keen..
- dude that was sinfully brilliant... i'm not an authority on such matters but i'm convinced that chaocolate is better than sex. (SP when i gave her a lindtt)
- he's left already should be in london by now.. (school frnds are all over the place now..hmm)
- ha ha :-D okat then some other time..just retrospecting..don't bring out the tissues yet.. (P on amby gangs and 'us four' nostalgia)
- cant believe but getting little senti about the 4 of us. could'nt have been a better bunch. (same as above)
- thought it had to do with 'boundary' (S on the forever elusive south-west asia readings)
- surveillance! :-) (P when i wasa trying to find out where she went of in the morning..)
- Neha are you planning to discard your readings and notes of second year? do u know of anybody who is ready to give? i'm in dire need (A: already worrying for next yr, while giving exams for 1st year..! )
- Bored as hell ( P - when it was reaching the limit)
- Elite class in satellite country. literally 'interpretor". (R my mobile dictionary, telling me what comprador means)
- arun agarwal rdng onlne undr title enchantment and disenchantment w concept of cmnty or smthg like that. do a google serach it one a site called science direct. (another one of those)
- oh shit! i can empathies are with you...i got one done last yr. clearly ur eating too much chocolate n growing old fast :-) remeber to get a porcelein n not metal cap fr d tooth. and show the Drji ur a duddette. (A on when i had to get a root canal)
- Can i please shoot tila!! (priceless)

Before i end up deleting these messgs... decided to archive them... D school and hostel in the last few months...

1 comment:

blimblop said...

would you believe i did the same thing? before deleting all my old messages.. mailed them to myself..
ah the life of the sentimental.. so much joy to be had from the littler things..
hope you're well..