someone told me to write something on what an ideal world for young women should be like when i was fishing for ideas to write something on.....
i find that hard to do, coz i don't ever think of 'young'women' as a whole, as a community i can identify with... i may at times relate to a mna's situation better than a woman's.
So, for once let me do away with all good thought about the world, and make a selfish dream about my kind of world, starting with the assumption that i am a woman. I dont necessarily see myself 'a woman', but the world does i guess and that becomes so....
for to me i'm just a soul in this world... living the purpose or lack thereof in it...
the only times i want to be a man is when i want to travel and explore. when i wnat to walk up to the carpenter repairing stuff next door and ask him to teach me his trade, sit and observe the wod carving of the aged muslim artisan who sells his craft in dilli haat, or when i wnat to have a dip in the ganga without bothering to find a secluded spot..when i want to walk around chandni chowk and see the wholeshops, the mosques, old monuments....
or when i want to head of alone to the hills....
Funny that old women repent the lives they live... no more needed by anybody, no more roles to fulfill.... but perhaps few see that this is the age when gendered controls become minimum....
In my ideal world everyone would have a space to be nothing to anyone for sometime at least. It's here that i feel women from urban modern houses have a better time perhaps than their brothers. We can for instance 'work for pleasure' and just sort of make maony along the way... while when do young men get to do that....
my ideal world is there at this moment..when i sit and write, a little work pending, a little to be planned... a free mind.... and a desire to walk the streets by midnight....
This post had so many ideas and issues it coulf have been a paper if not not an entire book!
I liked the way you said, starting with the assumption that I am a woman...added a bit of comedy. But it is so is only an assumption that is enforced by speech and nomenclature.
The line "In my ideal world everyone would have a space to be nothing to anyone for sometime at least." is a best seller! I love that...absolute live in a world of no ties...but then all the existing ties are always self made. They are our choices or else you nor I would be bound by anything or anyone. Sigh! :-)
The lst line was such a trademark ending...I could almost see you staring out of your window wishing wistfully...
You have a book in you...infact you have many books in you.
hmm, so a feminist resides in you too eh?
:) may be if we worked towards it, the ideal world we dream for might be a reality
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