Who is this
standing before me?
looking me right in the eye...
as if questioning me
my purpose in looking at her
she seems to think
she's pretty
holds herself so vainly
but why
does that now make me ashamed?
As if i have seen
that she's not as much
as she thinks
but why
does that now make me feel small?
I know her from before
quite well infact!
but what she is
still alludes me!
Its as if my fate
is supremely linked with hers
...suddenly i'm scared
what if she fails...?
I smile at her
she smiles back
looks like she too
is trying to figure me out.
Are we not all somewhere
strangers to each other...
a strangeness we cover
with conversation
All this while
we two looked on
& I wondered then,
do i really know
that person in the mirror?
:) I think that is why we never tire of looking at ourselves in the mirror...not plain simple vanity, but an undying curiosity at our ever changing self.
Am glad you noticed that the woman you look at in the mirror is beautiful and is vain...you know her to have immense potential and so you assume she has reason to temper her arrogance...I know she will be great someday...tell her that the next time you meet her. :)
technically no...
it is the existence of u in an inverted manner in another dimension of existence... the person is not quite just the reflection it is another personality in itself...
categorically if we looked at it vaguely we could say that the person is merely an oppositon of what u r in ur side of the world but i would like to delve deeper if you would permit?
delve deeper definitely...that's what its all about! ;) but sometimes i wonder whether such rumination gets us anywhere, except providing excercise to our minds... for u reach the zone where each answer is equally right and wrong at the same time! eh?
right and wrong is relative from the start...
right and wrong in a different situation interchange and become the other...
Come back. You should never have stopped. Your thoughts have more value than most floating around anywhere...
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