Monday, January 29, 2007

march on! on!
where to?
where? - nowhere that i know!!
(leaving out the tarot reader
who said ill meet my man this year)
why then?
for it supremely better then sitting!!
and in fact sitting's got fun only
when i know i have some important role in life to do.


Pavitra said...

Right on babe! (Lets make a doomsday conspiracy against that tarot woman! grrr)
Yeah its definitely better than sitting...atleast the ass accumulates less weight and you have more to talk about.
See everything has its pros! ;)

Sh'shank said...

--- MArch on---
existential angst or the hurry to get somewhere??
The beauty of philosophy and sociology and to some extents psychology is the inability of a single answer. the ambiguity...
the unattached, unaffected observer... you could be but try as you might u cant erase ur emotionality... so well also u r who u think u choose to be...
---- musafir hoon yaroon---
very plausible time travelling theory u have given. but i am quite affected by the matrix existence... want to see that happening in my life time

Musafir said...

neither esixtential angsnt nor gettin somewhere...just coz the process is what's the fun, and may we never believe we've reached the end!! :)